SGG EMALIT EVOLUTION CLASSIC:cor e efeito brilhante do vidro(suportes: SGG PLANILUX, SGG PARSOL e SGG DIAMANT).
SGG EMALIT EVOLUTION CLASSIC EXTRA-WHITE: branco puro e brilhante obtido a partir do vidro extra-claro SGG DIAMANT.
SGG EMALIT EVOLUTION CONTRAST: cor e efeito texturado dos vidros impressos (SGG MASTERGLASS e alguns modelos de SGG DECORGLASS).
SGG EMALIT EVOLUTION STRUCTURE: efeito de mármore e de granito realizado sobre o vidro.
Standard colour range
SGG EMALIT EVOLUTION is available in a range of 25 standard colours. In addition to the standard range of colours, bespoke colours and colour-matching services are available, enabling most colours to be replicated.
Please contact SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS with your enquiry.
Manufacturing tolerances: refer to standard BS EN 12150
Larger dimensions are available. Please contact SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS for further information.
Please note
• The thickness of the glass can affect the final colour of the product.
• For uniformly coloured surfaces on façades, a single thickness should be used throughout a project.
• A colour difference of E*= 1.5 (C.I.E. L a*b*) measured on the surface of the glass is acceptable between 2 panes with the same colour enamel.
Processed Product Variations
Insulated Spandrel Panels
Insulation can be added to both single and double-glazed spandrel panels to improve thermal performance.
The insulation is applied as foil backed foam or as mineral fibre in an aluminium tray bonded to the rear, painted surface of the single glass or double-glazed unit. Both the tray and spandrel are retained within the glazing rebate.
In the case of foil backed foam, an aluminium channel is bonded to the glass perimeter to form a standard 24mm glazing width. Both the glass and aluminium channel are retained in the glazing rebate.
Two types of insulation are available as standard:
• CFC-free foam
• Mineral fibre
The standard thickness of insulation and their minimum corresponding centre-pane U-values are as follows:
These values apply to both single and double-glazed spandrel panels. For special applications, it may be possible to design insulation to meet the requirements of the project. Due to thermal conduction through aluminium trays, the overall U-value may be higher than the centre pane value quoted.
Internal finishes to insulated spandrel panels
Standard insulated spandrels with no treatment to the rear surface of the tray (mill-finish) are for use only where the internal surface will not be visible.
Where the rear surface of the tray is to be visible, and where appearance is not of major importance, various powder-coated finishes are available.
Tray types and edge details
Various tray types may be specified for use in single or double-glazed spandrel panels.
All types are bonded to the painted surface of SGG EMALIT CLASSIC or SGG EMALIT LOOK-ALIKE panels.
Double-glazed units
National regulations permitting, SGG EMALIT EVOLUTION can be incorporated in double-glazed units for façade applications. The enamel coating must be on face 4.
This type of double glazing must be designed specifically for this particular application (depth of seal, loading, width of cavity etc.).
Laminated glass
When required in laminated form, the enamelled face must be located on the outside of the assembly.
Curved glass
Please contact our technical department.
Edgeworking, notches, holes